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BoMill Q2 Interim Report, April – June 2022

24 August 2022, 08:00 CET

BoMill AB (”BoMill” or the “Company”) hereby publishes the Interim Report for the period April 1 – June 30, 2022. The Interim Report is available as an attached file to this release and on BoMill’s website. Below is a summary of the report.

CEO Andreas Jeppsson comments:

“In the second quarter of 2022, our commercial journey really got off to a start, with the solid support of our shareholders. We introduced our high-capacity sorting equipment “BoMill InSight™” to the market, started its field testing and received an order from Gl. Buurholt”

Net sales and income for the second quarter (April – June, 2022)         

  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 0 (KSEK 25).
  • Net income after financial items amounted to KSEK -6 415 (KSEK -7 541).
  • Net income per net weighted average share amounted to SEK -0,25 (SEK -0,63).
  • Cash flow during the second quarter amounted to KSEK 15 507 (KSEK -5 812).
  • Orders received as of June 30, 2022, amounted to MSEK 2,8 (MSEK 0).
  • As of June 30, 2022, cash and cash equivalents in the Company amounted to KSEK 25 311 (KSEK 11 516.)

Net sales and income for the first six months (January – June, 2022)   

  • Net sales amounted to KSEK 452 (KSEK 66).
  • Net income after financial items amounted to KSEK -11 701 (KSEK -12 719).
  • Net income per net weighted average share amounted to SEK -0,57 (SEK –1,07).
  • Cash flow during the period amounted to KSEK 10 769 (KSEK -13 830).

Highlights during the second quarter

  • On April 1, BoMill announced an order of BoMill InSight™ of MSEK 2,8 from Gl. Buurholt, a leading Danish mobile grain processor. The equipment is scheduled to be delivered in Q1 2023.
  • On April 8, in accordance with the proposals from the Board of Directors, the extraordinary general meeting approved a reduction of the share equity to 7 754 845 SEK, new Articles of Association and a share issue of 23,3 MSEK with preferential rights, with a subscription period between April 28 and May 12.
  • On May 17, BoMill announced that the share issue ending on May 12 was subscribed to 105,6 %. The new share issue increases the number of shares from 15 509 690 shares to 46 529 070 shares. The restricted share capital increased from 7 754 845 SEK to 23 264 535 SEK.
  • On June 30, BoMill unveiled BoMill InSight™, the next generation of industrial grain sorting equipment able to sort grain lots, kernel by kernel, at industrial speed – up to 15mt/h, based on each single kernel’s internal properties. BoMill InSight™ is now entering its industrial field-testing phase in collaboration with the Swedish grain mill Lilla Harrie Valskvarn, part of the Pågen Group, the market leading bakery in Sweden.

BoMill Q2 report can be found on BoMill’s website (

For more information about BoMill, please contact:

Andreas Jeppsson, CEO

Phone: +46 727 001 182

E-mail: [email protected]

Certified Adviser: Svensk Kapitalmarknadsgranskning AB

Phone: +46 11 32 30 732

E-mail: [email protected]

BoMill has developed and is marketing a patented technology for sorting grain on a commercial scale, based on the internal qualities of each kernel. The method is the only one of its kind on the market today and is estimated to have the potential to become a Golden Standard within the industry. The Company operates in several markets and has sold sorting equipment to a number of reputable companies in the grain industry.

For more information about BoMill, please visit